Sponsor Benefits

Sponsor Benefits

Benefits for Sponsors of the Volunteers Rock! Expo

Brand Exposure

Sponsoring the expo can provide companies with significant exposure and visibility to a targeted audience of industry professionals, volunteers, potential clients, investors, and partners. Expected participation is 300-500 attendees, 55 exhibitors (28 nonprofits, 4 food sponsors, 23 businesses).

Nonprofits have a loyal base of volunteers and clients, and can offer additional exposure in their newsletters, social media, and other communications. Collaboration with these nonprofits with hundreds of volunteers and thousands of clients can lead to excellent brand exposure opportunities.

There are multiple advertising and visibility options included in all of the sponsorship levels: full-color ad in the Volunteer Almanac which is a guide that will be used for an entire year with an initial distribution of 1,000 copies; swag bag items useful for potential customers (coupons, swag, etc.); logo on the swag bag for the Philanthropy Leader-level sponsorship; exhibitor booth at the expo; probable press coverage either before the event, or during the event; inclusion in the post-expo "Impact Report," and social media mentions by the Expo, nonprofits, and other collaborators.

Your brand will also gain positive impressions to the conscious consumer who is looking for companies that show involvement in the community and corporate social responsibility. Consumer activists are voting with their dollars, and you want your brand to be seen as value-oriented towards making this world a better place.


The conference provides a valuable opportunity for sponsors to connect with other industry professionals and potentially form new partnerships or joint ventures.

Attend the Leaders Rock! Lunch for personalized networking and to explore collaboration opportunities.

Market Insights

By sponsoring the conference, companies can gain insights into the latest trends and technologies in the nonprofit world, as well as learn from other sponsors and attendees. T

The Expo offers an "Impact Report" after the expo so you can quantify the benefits and impact to the community and to your business for future participation.

See more benefits and what's included in each sponsorship level on the Sponsorship Packages page.