Sponsorship Packages

Sponsorship Packages

Interested in a Sponsorship Package?

Neighborhood Hero - $650

  • Booth: 6' table at the Expo
  • Swag Bag: Right to include an item in the swag bag
  • Ad in Volunteer Guide: 1/4 page full-color ad
  • Logo on Event Materials: Company logo included in map of exhibitors and/or the Bingo card (if applicable)
  • Leaders Rock! Lunch: Invitation to an exclusive 45-minute lunch reception with key personnel from nonprofits and other exhibitors
  • Website Mention: Company logo on the Expo’s website
  • Early Access VIP Tickets: 3 early access attendee tickets for the secret VIP hour (2-3 PM)
  • Post-Event Report: A detailed report highlighting the sponsors' impact, including exposure metrics, guest feedback, media coverage, additional digital assets (photos, videos during the event), and other info
  • Free consultation with professional printer: If you need ideas for swag, creative-yet-professional ideas on exhibitor booth setup, or other special printing needs for banners, tablecloth, etc., then the printer, Rich Workman is happy to consult with you.

Community Champion - $1,000

  • Booth: 6' table at the Expo
  • Swag Bag: Right to include an item in the swag bag
  • Ad in Volunteer Guide: Upgrade to 1/2 page full-color ad
  • Logo on Event Materials: Company logo included in map of exhibitors and/or the Bingo card (if applicable)
  • Leaders Rock! Lunch: Invitation to an exclusive 45-minute lunch reception with key personnel from nonprofits and other exhibitors
  • Website Link: Company logo with a hyperlink to their website on the Expo’s website
  • Early Access VIP Tickets: 5 early access attendee tickets for the secret VIP hour (2-3 PM)
  • Post-Event Report: A detailed report highlighting the sponsors' impact, including exposure metrics, guest feedback, media coverage, additional digital assets (photos, videos during the event), and other info
  • Interview Opportunity: Opportunity to be interviewed by local news, social media influencer, or podcaster (if criteria met)
  • Content Creation: One organic content video for the Conscious Consumer TikTok channel, plus 2 b-roll videos for you social media channels
  • Free consultation with professional printer: If you need ideas for swag, creative-yet-professional ideas on exhibitor booth setup, or other special printing needs for banners, tablecloth, etc., then the printer, Rich Workman is happy to consult with you.

Philanthropy Leader - $2,000

  • Booth: 6' table at the Expo
  • Swag Bag: Right to include an item in the swag bag
  • LOGO on Swag Bag: your logo on 640 reusable tote swag bags
  • Ad in Volunteer Guide: Upgrade to full page full-color ad
  • Logo on Event Materials: Company logo included in map of exhibitors and/or the Bingo card (if applicable)
  • Leaders Rock! Lunch: Invitation to an exclusive 45-minute lunch reception with key personnel from nonprofits and other exhibitors
  • Website Link: Company logo with a hyperlink to their website on the Expo’s website
  • Early Access VIP Tickets: 7 early access attendee tickets for the secret VIP hour (2-3 PM)
  • Post-Event Report: A detailed report highlighting the sponsors' impact, including exposure metrics, guest feedback, media coverage, additional digital assets (photos, videos during the event), and other info
  • Interview Opportunity: Opportunity to be interviewed by local news, social media influencer, or podcaster (if criteria met)
  • Content Creation: Two organic content videos for the Conscious Consumer TikTok channel, plus 4 b-roll videos for your social media channels
  • Social Media Strategy Session: 90-minute session with a social media strategist ($600 value)
  • Custom Banner: Custom banner provided by you, the sponsor, and displayed prominently at the event
  • Free consultation with professional printer: If you need ideas for swag, creative-yet-professional ideas on exhibitor booth setup, or other special printing needs for banners, tablecloth, etc., then the printer, Rich Workman is happy to consult with you.

I'm interested and have questions.