Interested in a Sponsorship Package?
Neighborhood Hero - $650
- Booth: 6' table at the Expo
- Swag Bag: Right to include an item in the swag bag
- Ad in Volunteer Guide: 1/4 page full-color ad
- Logo on Event Materials: Company logo included in map of exhibitors and/or the Bingo card (if applicable)
- Leaders Rock! Lunch: Invitation to an exclusive 45-minute lunch reception with key personnel from nonprofits and other exhibitors
- Website Mention: Company logo on the Expo’s website
- Early Access VIP Tickets: 3 early access attendee tickets for the secret VIP hour (2-3 PM)
- Post-Event Report: A detailed report highlighting the sponsors' impact, including exposure metrics, guest feedback, media coverage, additional digital assets (photos, videos during the event), and other info
- Free consultation with professional printer: If you need ideas for swag, creative-yet-professional ideas on exhibitor booth setup, or other special printing needs for banners, tablecloth, etc., then the printer, Rich Workman is happy to consult with you.
Community Champion - $1,000
- Booth: 6' table at the Expo
- Swag Bag: Right to include an item in the swag bag
- Ad in Volunteer Guide: Upgrade to 1/2 page full-color ad
- Logo on Event Materials: Company logo included in map of exhibitors and/or the Bingo card (if applicable)
- Leaders Rock! Lunch: Invitation to an exclusive 45-minute lunch reception with key personnel from nonprofits and other exhibitors
- Website Link: Company logo with a hyperlink to their website on the Expo’s website
- Early Access VIP Tickets: 5 early access attendee tickets for the secret VIP hour (2-3 PM)
- Post-Event Report: A detailed report highlighting the sponsors' impact, including exposure metrics, guest feedback, media coverage, additional digital assets (photos, videos during the event), and other info
- Interview Opportunity: Opportunity to be interviewed by local news, social media influencer, or podcaster (if criteria met)
- Content Creation: One organic content video for the Conscious Consumer TikTok channel, plus 2 b-roll videos for you social media channels
- Free consultation with professional printer: If you need ideas for swag, creative-yet-professional ideas on exhibitor booth setup, or other special printing needs for banners, tablecloth, etc., then the printer, Rich Workman is happy to consult with you.
Philanthropy Leader - $2,000
- Booth: 6' table at the Expo
- Swag Bag: Right to include an item in the swag bag
- LOGO on Swag Bag: your logo on 640 reusable tote swag bags
- Ad in Volunteer Guide: Upgrade to full page full-color ad
- Logo on Event Materials: Company logo included in map of exhibitors and/or the Bingo card (if applicable)
- Leaders Rock! Lunch: Invitation to an exclusive 45-minute lunch reception with key personnel from nonprofits and other exhibitors
- Website Link: Company logo with a hyperlink to their website on the Expo’s website
- Early Access VIP Tickets: 7 early access attendee tickets for the secret VIP hour (2-3 PM)
- Post-Event Report: A detailed report highlighting the sponsors' impact, including exposure metrics, guest feedback, media coverage, additional digital assets (photos, videos during the event), and other info
- Interview Opportunity: Opportunity to be interviewed by local news, social media influencer, or podcaster (if criteria met)
- Content Creation: Two organic content videos for the Conscious Consumer TikTok channel, plus 4 b-roll videos for your social media channels
- Social Media Strategy Session: 90-minute session with a social media strategist ($600 value)
- Custom Banner: Custom banner provided by you, the sponsor, and displayed prominently at the event
- Free consultation with professional printer: If you need ideas for swag, creative-yet-professional ideas on exhibitor booth setup, or other special printing needs for banners, tablecloth, etc., then the printer, Rich Workman is happy to consult with you.